Half Shafts and Prop Shaft

In Driveline, In the Garage by George1 Comment

I disassembled the half shafts in April so of course when I went to assemble them six months later I made a couple of mistakes. I’m finding myself in this situation quite a bit and it’s unavoidable; it’s just the way I work. I’ve got components in pieces from 4 years ago!

The mistakes are usually silly little ones and exarcebarted by a gung-ho attitude and a reluctance to check the manual; but mostly it’s rushing to complete jobs when the finish line is so close. I keep relearning the lesson of patience and double checking everything. It will sink in eventually.

Having said all that, the mistakes were small ones and they gave me the chance to get to know the half shafts really well. Let me tell you, taking out new uni joints is much easier than decades old ones… and cleaner! Note for next time, the shafts need to be assembled first before the yokes are fitted to the axle and the c-clips have an inner and outer side.

Back in April when I decided to disassemble them.

Looking at them you would think you’d need a tetanus shot if you just walked into the same room! As with a lot of these old components though, a bit of love can bring them back to as new condition.

The bearings were all fine as were all the retaining rings and circlips. The universal joints need replacement obviously.

This was the fun bit. Fitting everything back together and seeing the results is always a pleasure… when things work out that is. Luckly this time nothing broke and everythinng came together as it should after some convincing by two hammers and a whole mess of grease.

The prop shaft has a small dent in it but it too came together without issues. It’s going to be spun by a 5 speed FS5C71A gearbox which is the earlier less desirable but correct one for my car.


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