Meet Miki, an Australian delivered 1970 Datsun 240Z that has seen better days. I took her home on 24 January 2014.
She’s a bit rusty.
OK, a lot rusty!
In fact it might be extremely costly to save her.
But there is hope! For where there was once life…
…there can be life once again.
That is if I replace every part here.
And every part here.
I’m sure I can afford to replace everything in this photo.
If I step on this it will just go away. Problem solved.
I don’t need to worry about this section – if I try real hard I can always just stare forward.
But what is this! A donor car!? That’s only half rusted…
It is possible we just might hear this engine sing again…
And this body roll with pride again…
And this plate shine again…
For her 50th birthday (or maybe 60th…)
Follow me as I stumble my way through this restoration of a lifetime.